Silvia García Cacho
Fullstack developer
In London, United Kingdom
General information
I entered the programming world out of curiosity as a self-taught. Ended up loving it so much I needed to go to the next level and applied for a front-end developer program. Nowadays, I am a full stack developer focused on learning as much as I can while sharing my knowledge with other colleagues. Giving back to the community is a very important part of my life, so you'll find me organising events, mentoring or participating in non-profit programs.
My best practices
I try to encourage a pair programming mindset in the teams I work in. I have found this is the best way to onboard new joiners and to increase the global knowledge of the whole team, avoiding silos. I keep learning about different best practice methods (TDD, DDD, SCRUM, KANBAN, SOLID, KISS,...), applying some of them to my everyday work, but, overall, my experience has showed me that every company, every project and every team is different and not everything can be applied everywhere.
My skills
Interesting facts about me
Podcaster at TechAndLadies
TechAndLadies podcast: the goal is to highlight the career of women in tech, specially of those that are not usually in the media spotlight. In every episode there is one or two guests, they are interviewed in a very friendly manner focusing on their area of expertise and how they entered the technology field.
Event organiser
- ZurracapoteConf: Tech conference in La Rioja
- Women Techmakers - International Women's Day: Special national tech conference for the IWD, sponsored by Google.
- Helped volunteering in other events like: TarugoConf, T3chFest, KeepCoding's Guinness World Record,...
TechSHEssions organiser
TechSHEssions (La Rioja) is a program to help women in the STEAM field to become a speaker. As a challenge, during the pandemic, I had to adapt the second edition of the program to be 100% remote.
Technologies and tools
I master
- C++
- Docker
- Github
- JavaScript
- Jest
- Jira
- Makefile
- NextJS
- NodeJS
- Python
- React
- Redux
- Sass
- Styled Components
- TypeScript
I want to work with
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Python
- React
I prefer not to work with
- C#
- C++
- Java