Borja Paz Rodríguez

Borja Paz Rodríguez

Software Engineer

In Galicia, Spain

General information


Hello 👋! I'm Borja, a simple teleco passionate about programming, gadgets, technology, networks, escape rooms... Yes, yes! Escape rooms 🔐, you heard right. Thanks to this hobby, which gave me as many headaches as unique moments, I strengthened all the knowledge 🧠 I acquired during my academic stage and discovered many more things that today turn around in my head 💭. It all started with a damn website 💻! From that moment on, my interest grew even more within me. How to do something in the best possible way? What is the most appropriate technology? Will I be following the best practices? Would Uncle Bob be proud of me? 🧐

My concerns about knowing are focused on good practices ✅, design patterns 🪄, the application of new architectures 🏗️ (Clean Architecture, Hexagonal Architecture, etc.), process automation 🔀, CI/CD 🧩, performance improvement ⚡️, process optimization 🔬, learning new programming languages and skills 🤓, monitoring 👀, problem-solving 🧮, use of DDD 🎯, etc. I would not be able to choose a specific technology. During my professional stage, I have been changing and combining many branches, which is gratifying and serves as an exercise in adapting to change 🤹‍♀️. Despite this, I hold a special affection for technologies such as Java ☕️, Spring 🌱, Spring Boot 🍃, JavaScript 💛, TypeScript 💙, Angular 🅰️, React.js ⚛️, Next.js 🖤, Node.js 💚, Python 🐍, Docker 🐳, etc. I also usually entertain myself quite a bit by doing tasks typical of DevOps, always looking for the simplest and most practical way to do things.

I am passionate about being able to dedicate time to small personal projects 🧑‍💻 that can be useful to others with the same concerns as me. For example, practical dotfiles to make the configuration and customization of GNU/Linux-based operating systems easier 📑, a mini tool to manage and configure home servers using Docker, Docker Compose, Make and FZF 🕹️ or a REST API template with Node.js and TypeScript following best practices 🔰.

My best practices

As a passionate software developer, my primary goal is to apply industry best practices ⭐️, SOLID principles 🔝, Clean Code 🧼 and design patterns 🪄 to ensure clean, maintainable, and scalable code. I'm a strong advocate for Test-Driven Development (TDD) 🧪, using automated testing to validate the reliability 👌 and robustness 💪 of my code.

With a strong focus on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) 🎯 and Hexagonal Architecture/Clean Architecture 🏗️, I architect solutions that tackle complexity and foster modularity, enabling adaptable and extensible applications 🧶. I am committed to maintaining coding standards, and I utilize Git hooks 🐙 to enforce code quality and ensure consistent commits. Additionally, I rely on code formatters 🧹 to keep my codebase clean and well-structured, while linters 📏 help me identify and address potential issues early in the development process.

Adhering to the YAGNI 🦛, DRY 🔁, and KISS 😘 principles, I avoid over-engineering and ensure that my solutions are simple and efficient. As a tech lead and architect, I actively engage with cross-functional teams, providing mentorship and guidance to foster a collaborative and innovative environment 🤝.

Embracing Continuous Integration 🧩 and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 📦 practices, I strive to optimize project delivery and deployment processes, ensuring faster and more reliable releases 🏃‍♀️. Additionally, I'm an advocate of the Boy Scout Rule 🏕️, which encourages leaving the codebase in better condition than I found it, promoting continuous improvement ⬆️.

Constantly seeking knowledge and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies 📡, I approach every project with a growth mindset, striving for innovation and excellence. As a team player 🫂, I actively contribute to the success of cross-functional teams 🦄, mentoring and guiding fellow developers 👩‍💻 to deliver high-quality software solutions 👾.

My dedication to excellence and my continuous drive for learning make me a valuable asset to any team seeking to deliver high-quality software solutions. I thrive on challenges and embrace every opportunity to expand my knowledge and expertise in the ever-evolving world of software development ❤️.

My skills

Adaptability to change
Continuous learning



Technologies and tools

I master

  • Angular2+
  • Angular Universal
  • API
  • Arduino
  • Artifactory
  • AWS
  • AWS EC2
  • AWS Lambda
  • Azure
  • Bamboo
  • Bash
  • Bitbucket
  • Bootstrap
  • Cassandra
  • ChartJS
  • Cisco
  • Confluence
  • CouchDB
  • CSS
  • Cucumber
  • Cypress
  • D3
  • DB2
  • DNS
  • Docker
  • Elasticsearch
  • Express
  • Fastify
  • Gatsby
  • Git
  • Gitflow
  • Github
  • Github Actions
  • GitLab
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Apps Script
  • Google Maps
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Sheets
  • Gradle
  • Grafana
  • Gulp.JS
  • Hooks
  • HTML
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Jenkins
  • Jest
  • Jetbrains
  • Jira
  • JUnit
  • Kafka
  • Karate
  • Koa
  • Kubernetes
  • Latex
  • Less CSS
  • Linux
  • MariaDB
  • Maven
  • Mockito
  • MongoDB
  • MQTT
  • MySQL
  • Nest
  • nestJS
  • NextJS
  • Nexus
  • Nginx
  • NgRx
  • NodeJS
  • OpenApi
  • OpenShift
  • Playwright
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Python
  • RabbitMQ
  • React
  • Redis
  • Redmine
  • Redux
  • REST
  • Sass
  • Scss
  • Serverless
  • SOAP
  • SoapUI
  • SonarQube
  • Spring
  • Spring-Batch
  • Spring Boot
  • SQL
  • SVN
  • Swagger
  • Tailwind
  • TypeScript
  • Visual Studio Code

I want to work with

  • Angular2+
  • Angular Universal
  • Ansible
  • API
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • ChartJS
  • Couchbase
  • Cypress
  • Deno
  • Docker
  • Express
  • Github
  • Github Actions
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Jest
  • Jetbrains
  • JUnit
  • Kafka
  • Koa
  • Kubernetes
  • MariaDB
  • Mockito
  • MongoDB
  • Nest
  • NextJS
  • NodeJS
  • Playwright
  • Python
  • RabbitMQ
  • React
  • Snowflake
  • SonarQube
  • Spring
  • Spring-Batch
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Cloud
  • Swagger
  • Tailwind
  • Terraform
  • TypeORM
  • TypeScript
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Webflux
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